Ryan Norman – Sheriff

Contact Information:
McCracken County Courthouse
300 Clarence Gains Street
Paducah, KY 42003
Phone: (270) 444-4719
The McCracken County Sheriff is an elected official who serves in four-year terms. There is no limit to the number of terms a Sheriff can serve. The McCracken County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement official of McCracken County.
Sheriff Norman began his career at the McCracken County Sheriff’s Office as a Road Deputy and progressed through the ranks before becoming Sheriff in 2022. Sheriff Norman was a Detective in the Drug Division, led the General Investigations Unit as a Sergeant and as a Captain, and then promoted to the position of Chief Deputy prior to being elected as Sheriff of McCracken County.
Sheriff Norman was the Commander of the MCSO Special Service Team, an instructor in several areas, and a law enforcement member of the McCracken County Drug Court.
Prior to being elected, Sheriff Norman had served combat tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq as a member of the United States Army.
Sheriff Norman will continue to uphold the standards of his predecessors, continue to strive to bring the Sheriff’s Office to the next level of professionalism, and to serve the citizens of McCracken County as best as the MCSO can. We want to make McCracken County a safe and great environment for our families and children while making the criminal element uncomfortable.